Images with Action Potential

Engage / Educate / Empower

Afferent Visual Science is a scientific and medical visualization studio that aims to create engaging and educational images that can empower people and communities to effect change in patient outcomes, research advancements, and government policies.

Ac·tion Po·ten·tial

Noun. The mode through which neurons transport signals. More literally, the potential for action or excitatory event.


Adj. Nerve carrying sensory impulses to the brain to inform central processing decisions or immediate action.

Featured Work

Vitiligo patient education detail. Full image

Image Services

  • Journal Publications

  • Graphical Abstracts

  • Editorial Illustrations

  • Data Visualization & Infographics

  • Patient Education

  • Presentation Assets

  • 2D/3D/360 Animations

Select Collaborations & Publications


Find sketches, works in progress, and more on our Instagram page @afferentvisuals: